Monday, September 12, 2011


No, not really.  You may be getting the picture that Mondays are just bad for me.  The last three weeks in a row have found me at the grocery store at ten pm or later on Sunday night.  This morning found me putting my kids in the bathtub at 8:30.  We stayed way too long at a friend's house yesterday and the kids were filthy and asleep when we got home, so I was scrambling this morning.  Sabrina asked for a Cinderella lunch.  I figured out a way to do a Cinderella face, but she wanted a dress too.  No time, missy.  Instead, I suggested these sushi-like sandwich rolls.  I've seen them done with peanut butter and jelly, but that's a no-go for her, so these are made with ham and cream cheese.  Amazingly, she loved the piece I let her try this morning and wanted to eat more for breakfast.  These are just flattened-out bread slices smeared with cream cheese and some thin sliced ham, then rolled up and sliced. 

By the way, my plan to give her breakfast at 6 am seemed to work last week.  That was the first thing her teacher said at carpool- that she loved her flower lunch and ate the whole thing.  I guess this means no more quiet mornings alone for me!

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