Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Catch Up Post

So, it's only the beginning of October and I'm already falling behind on this blog.  Instead of doing a separate post for each day I missed, I'll just group them all here. 

Last week was interesting.  Saturday we went to a BBQ at a friend's house.  It was tons of fun, and the kids entertained themselves so well that even though I was a single parent for the weekend, I was able to relax and visit with grownups for a while.  The girls had so much fun that I wasn't surprised at all when this happened mid-day on Sunday: 

Unfortunately, that turned into this on Monday:

That's Christina, who almost never gets sick.  (Although now that I think about it, she has been sick twice since Sabrina started school.)  Sabrina is another story.  She's always sick.  And she didn't disappoint this time, with some wheezing of her own, fever, and ear infection.  So we stayed home from school on Monday.  Tuesday, Sabrina requested a repeat of her first day of school lunch, which I didn't take a new picture of, but you can see here

Truthfully, by Wednesday I was pretty worn out, even though everyone was feeling better, so there's not a ton of creativity in the lunches for the rest of the week.  Wednesday we cut some stars out of fruit leather and decorated a turkey/bagel sandwich, and Thursday, Sabrina used my food markers to decorate a sandwich we cut into the shape of a heart.  I think she was more proud of that one than any of the others she has helped with.

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