Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Repeat...rainbows again.

Short and sweet today- (I am working late- ok, I'm procrastinating- but I had to stop working, in the living room, because I couldn't stop thinking of the dishes in the sink.  Crazy, right?  Now I'm just regular old lazy procrastinating) 
This was another I-haven't-been-to-the-grocery-yet lunch.  It's a repeat of the sandwich sushi, but with the last of this loaf of rainbow bread, and a cheese stick and some bell pepper sticks.  Tomorrow should be a little more creative.  ;-)


  1. I love the rainbow bread :) Do you make it yourself?

  2. No, I wish I did. It doesn't seem hard, but it seems a whole lot easier to pick it up at Publix. ;-)

  3. I've never seen it before. I can't buy my little miss bakery bread (risk of peanut cross contamination) and we don't have Publix around here anyways - darn!
    I'll have to try and find a recipe. :) Thank you!

  4. Keeley, do you have a bread maker? I have a super simple bread recipe I can give you, and I think I have the rainbow bread thing all figured out. You make three batches of dough, each with a different type of food coloring. Then divide each of those into three (so you have nine dough balls.) Take one of each color, knead together enough to swirl the colors, and bake. You'd have to make three loaves at a time, but it goes fast!
